The Tree of Life – Health Institute

A passion for a New Start

Hi, I’m Miroslav Petrov.

I am a Nutrition Therapist and Health Coach.

I specialize in helping people like you with Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes and Men over 40 who want to see a better version of themselves.

When we work together, I aim to identify the underlying causes and triggers of your digestive and blood sugar issues. I’ll offer guidance through frequent meetings and suggest solutions that suit your hectic schedule.

I have always been passionate about upholding a wholesome diet. In my mid 30’s, I had a weight imbalance and high cholesterol issue, which I addressed through diet and lifestyle changes.

I’m here to help you take control of your life, enjoy healthy eating, and achieve your goals. I understand your challenges and am ready to offer my assistance.

I understand that changing your diet can be difficult, especially if you’re uncertain about its benefits.

My goal is to assist you in eliminating the uncertainty and provide practical recommendations, enabling you to regain a sense of your former self.

Achieving a healthier lifestyle can be challenging, especially if you have underlying health issues. However, with patience and dedication, it is possible to make easy changes that fit into your busy schedule. By prioritising your health, you can transform your life and find lasting solutions instead of temporary fixes. Let me guide you on your journey towards a healthier and happier you.